[b]Unknown Space[/b] ------------------------------------- The light class stealth ship stayed silent, allowing the ship to pass by with no reaction. If robotics could hold their breath they would have at this moment. Not a single sentient being moved, spoke or even transmitted. Once it cleared orbit, and headed towards the discharge drive things began to turn serious. They had ground crews that would take too long too recover, yet if this Unknown race destroyed their precious discharge platform it would ensure their annihilation. The captain made the decision, he stood up from the helm and spoke rapidly, to organic ears it would sound much like gargled noises but to them he was relaying information faster than any other species could. "Zero point turn, full forward. We need to give assistance to the Research027, I want weapons ready, and targeting pinned on that ship. Intercept all transmissions, make them go dark. Drop active, acoustic cammo and pull up full shields." These orders were issued efficiently and quickly he sat down, looking at the list of crew members who would be left behind. His programming made him cycle threw each of their files in a slight mourning process. Odds were they would never see home again. The little ship's engines tilted, thrusting it backwards and towards the ship. The afterburners were kicked on and they began to pick up speed. Now they were too close. The ship ahead was slowing, but they showed no similar signs. "Fire a single shot across their bow, give them a warning." They were small but railgun was powerful. He had no contact with the other ships as apart of the ops called for. The two frigates immediately turned to broad side, their array of weaponry aimed for the oncoming ship. The resesch ship slowly backed away, its reverse thrusters only used to slow it were weak. It had no pin point capabilities that the military ones did. Their ESDD was beginning to spin up once. They were pointed home they'd dissapear. The Unknown ship stopped some ways away, all was completely quite. There seemed to hold a great intensity about the air. Their arsenal of weapons including the missle batteries packed with nuclear capabilities were ready to fire. The Captain of the stealth ship finally got within range, firing a single shot across their bow merely a minute after ship stopped. The shell flew threw the vacuum of space at unimaginable speeds, only to dissapear Into the dark void. Then the ship slowed to a light cruise. Their advanced technology eating up the Unknown comms. A single one was failed to be observed, the laser. They had no ability to intercept such a thing. The captain sat back and began to formulate a plan. The three ships could handle this lone one with ease so be believed. They used incredibly outdated nuclear propulsion. Their own ion thrusters gave them an eas, almost unlimited source of movement. He knew though not to underestimate such a new foe. He had little ideas on their defenses and offensive capability. ------------------------------------------------------------------- [B] Planet side [/b] ----------------------------------------------------------- There was a disturbing loneliness about being left to Die on an alien planet. The marines stood there confused, they hadnt seen the ship leave orbit too busy readying cammo. They looked to one another then the researchers. Of course they could reach orbit but their small ships Carried a very primitive ESD drive. It would take several hours to boot them even longer to correctly squire coordinates. They would be shot down before they could escape.. Instead the hunkered Down their optical enhancement equipment taking steady pictures of the new species. They continued with their mission. If they were to ever be rescued they could say they completed their mission. The scientists religiously captured the small creatures took vegetation samples air sample's, soil samples. You name it they took it. Even acquiring small lifeforms to keep for later. The marines moved forward setting up a defensive perimeter. The scientist and five marines stayed back. The non military members working diligently on their tasks at hand. Four of the marines set up Anti-Vehicle measures. Whole the final one began to deploy a massive sniper atop the troop landing ship, the active cammo swallowing it's form as he his under it.