Raphaezel glided through the shops on his cloud of necromantic energy. Oh how he loved the reactions of the other citizens, those counted among the living at any rate. The living fear death more than anything… and death was Raphaezel. They gave him a wide berth, hoping the unspoken laws of the Bastion would keep them alive. Those denizens not counted among the living, such as vampires, demons, half demons and the like, merely avoided him out of a healthy respect for his abilities. He stopped short at a butchers stand, a large carcass having caught his eye. Or at least the glowing orb that used to be an eye. There were various meats and beast parts hanging on hooks or displayed on ice. His skeletal fingers caressed the large hunk of dead animal… what pets could become of this? his imagination was the limit. The glowing orbs set their gaze on the butcher, an orc. "Hooooow much forrr thisssss?" He spoke, his voice a combination of echoes and whispers. Terrified, the poor creature could barely respond. "Fi… fifty coins.. sir." The orc responded, shaking in his boots. He cowered all the more at the Lichs irritated response. Raphaezel was by no means short of coin however. His test subjects more than carried enough gold to be counted as his income. And the Lich was not without civility. "verrrry welllll…" from a pouch on his belt he produced the coin and in one fluid motion, his boney hand dropped them on the table and grasped the product. The butt of his staff struck the ground and in a burst of green flame the carcass was teleported to his private storage. Not but a moment later a cart came barreling down the hill towards him. The crowd around Raphaezel gasped and backed away to watch in shock and fear as to what the unpredictable undead horror would do. He did nothing, however. The cart slowed and came to a complete stop just as it bumped his magical barrier. Glowing eyes flashed red for a moment before turning back to their cool blue. He would investigate this.. disturbance.