Aellotte was later than she usually was to the food hall. If the queue is too large, she gets the overwhelming urge to steal from girls who already have food. Every morning is a battle to resists this nature long enough to get served. Just yesterday, she tried to steal food from a minotaur, and the wardens stepped in before either of them got hurt. A lot of inmates had been scratched and clawed by Aelotte in the few months she had been here. Spending every day resisting the behavior that got her into this prison in the first place, that was both the punishment and the treatment. She took her place in the queue, looking straight down. If she were to look up, it would be only to look at the food selections available. They had steak. That is what she would be having. They had tinned fish, but that wasn't a large enough portion for her. How many more people were in front of her? Three. Now it was two. Hurry up! She stole a glance at the rest of the cafateria. She could see every plate there, with food she didn't have to wait for. She could just go, and take it. She was so hungry...but she'd start a fight again. She was lucky last time. The wardens stepped in. The time before that they stepped in a mere second before her wing was going to be broken. The other party's face took weeks to heal, and she still has talon-shaped claw marks on her face. A few of the inmates had seen she was looking at them, and glared or shook their heads. "Hey, bird brain! Food!" Aelotte turned round. It was her turn in the queue. She blushed, and pointed at the steak, before taking it, and a glass of water, and sitting at the first free seat she could find. Without looking at whoever else was sitting at her table, she ripped into the steak with unrelenting hunger and no manners whatsoever. The steak that actually got in her mouth and not all over the table was gone on a matter of seconds. She sipped at the water, to wash it down, and to cleanse her mouth.