Michael's mind had mostly been tuning out the pointless chatter of the other kindred (although he did catch the SUB's instructions) in an attempt to block out Little Fish's mental intrusions. It had mostly worked and now that his mind was his own again he felt at his best again. He wondered just how the hell other Malkavians endured the constant lack of mental privacy, no wonder they were all insane. While he didn't exactly acknowledge the presence of a God, he quietly thanked him for the fact that he was embraced into the rare bloodline of Sane Malkavians. Or at least he was sane. He had yet to meet a sane Malk, even one of his own bloodline. As far as he could tell, his bloodline were definitely the saner Malks but the ones he had met were functionally insane rather than outright crazy. Everyone else told him every Malkavian was insane no matter what and while his observations of other Malks had confirmed this, Michael honestly had yet to think of a way he was insane. At the mention of a Malk owning the Estis Diner, he decided he may as well go there seeing as other than the Little Fish no one would be able to tolerate Alex (he needed a better name for him, Alex was so normal). Without saying a word he got up and made his way towards the door, he had almost made it out of the boardroom when it occurred to him that this would probably be the only mission Little Fish could accomplish without fucking it up. He also felt a miniscule amount of kinship with her, they were from the same clan despite the difference in bloodline and she could probably learn a thing or two from the unliving legend he was. He turned around and after taking a breath (trying to keep his face straight from smelling an overwhelming amount of dead fish, why hadn't he learnt Telepathy?) said, ''Look Little Fish, I'm going to see Alex over at the Estis Diner and I feel like I should probably look after you,'' he looked at the SUB whose face confirmed how sorry he was feeling for himself right now (he really shouldn't be the Prince of this city, at this rate he'll probably commit Suicide by Sun or something) after Little Fish's onslaught, ''Just in case anything happens, besides we may as well go see our blood brother together, you gonna come with me?''. Remembering the BBB's request, he turned to him and said, ''If you want to go brawl some wolves or something you can come as well,''. He expected them to say yes, who wouldn't say yes? He was practically irrefusable.