Name: Cuifen Tian Appearance: (Will add when on laptop) Age: 16 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Chinese Personality: Cuifen is very shy, and usually quiet. She tries hard to talk to others more, but it can be quite difficult for her, yet she doesn't have much trouble making friendships or keeping them. She's a kind person under all the shyness, as well as determined. History: Cuifen lived behind the walls of Maria with her parents, until her mom died of illness when Cuifen was six years old. Her dad started to take care of her, although it was a bit challenging for him, for he was also part of the Garrison. Before her mom had died, Cuifen was quiet and shy, and after she died this became much more apparent. She would regularly hide behind her dad, always scared to meet new people. As a result other kids rarely talked to her, they didn't even bully her. When she was 14, her father died on the job, a civilian had killed him. She wanted to make her father proud, she believed he was watching over her, and so she joined the military, aiming for the Survey Corps. Relationships: (I'll either work it out OOC or I can build them IC, preferably the latter, given my chara.) Skills: 3D Maneuvering Gear: 2/20 Battle Skill: 1/20 Initiative: 1/20 Intelligence: 1/20 Strategy: 1/20 Teamwork: 1/20