Haha right on! I won't be making missions exclusively either. Players can come up with their own scenarios that may be character driven or just plain fun. Since we're going into uncharted territory there's more freedom for RPers to create what they like. The overall goal is to expand foreign relations, gather resources, and whatever else that would be beneficial for our galactic community. It won't just be fluff either. Not sure how I'm going to set it up, but every mission will have immediate consequences that will be felt by everyone. Say my Gordallian excavator, Lugobi, found a rare mineral and sent it to the probe transfer to be processed back in federation territory. Oh what? It turned out to actually be scrap ore that contained a bacterial contaminant of an ancient parasite race that is now wreaking havoc in the 3rd quadrant of our federation space!? There goes the Gordallian reputation in the community, Lugobi's approval rating, and overall morale on the ship. Damn it Lugobi!!! If we get more people interested, I'll start flushing out the details in an ooc.