The area around the crashed vessel settled somewhat, clouds of dust coming back to the ground. Tiberius remained by the ship, kneeling by its side and seeing if he couldn't somehow salvage it. If this was where he was meant to be, he would need a way to leave. Without that ship, he was completely stranded, and as far as he knew, completely alone. As he worked to pull off a piece of broken metal, he mumbled to himself. "Should have the squires doing this," He said between tugs. "Why was I sent alone in the first place?" He didn't question his orders normally. They tended to work, even on occasions he was not given the aid of squires, other paladins, or even just normal soldiers. But now that he was stuck in unknown space, he was a little less than happy about the situation. He continued to work for a while, pulling apart pieces of impacted metal and rearranging the parts that had been shaken up beneath them, but it soon became clear this was not a job that could be done by hand. A heavy sigh escaped him. It was clear that he wasn't going anywhere. As he turned to leave, his suit's AI spoke. "Movement detected." Two simple words that could mean a variety of things. Not taking risks, Tiberius reached towards his leg armour, which unfolded to let out two blocky-looking things held in metal holsters. The blocks themselves then unfolded, taking the form of a pair of large, very advanced-looking pistols. When he pulled them from their holsters, the barrels extended. The names of the weapons were visible, engraved on what would be the slide on a normal handgun. Liberator and Adjudicator, his own personalized weapon, a variant of a standard given to all paladins who earned them. He held both guns in the directions of the movement, but when more movement came from more directions, he was unsure which to focus on. His guard was kept up, however, and he was ready to fire on anything that looked threatening. --- From the forest's edge, Magnus emerged into the clearing. As soon as he was visible, one of Tiberius' guns were readied on him. He paused, brow furrowing at the sight of the things. His own world had firearms, but they were not particularly advanced. Levers and revolving cylinders were the extent of gun evolution where he came from, and even then, they were not widespread. Still, being shot hurt, and he was sure that the strange weapons the man in front of him held would be no different. He raised his hands, making it clear that he was not hostile. "It's alright, calm down. I'm not here to hurt you," He explained. "How did you get here?" As he asked the question, his eyes trailed towards the broken ship behind the other man standing ahead of him. "Is that..what is that?" The ship was unlike anything he'd ever seen. Flying vessels where he came from were, much like firearms, far less advanced than what he was seeing now. Slow-moving airships and zeppelins, flying animal mounts, those were all fairly commonplace. But the other ship was almost baffling in comparison. There was no return exchange yet, but the guns pointed at Magnus did slowly lower. He, in turn, lowered his hands and removed his helmet. Face-to-face conversation tended to make for better first impressions than a metal faceplate, so he figured it was worth a try.