[center][img=http://i1158.photobucket.com/albums/p601/xX2shygirlXx/madcap_zps5e490303.jpg][/center] Ricki stuffed the last of her belongings in her duffel bag, and zipped the bag with a look of determination upon her face. She then picked up her bag and lifted the strap over her head placed it comfortably upon her shoulder. She then stepped to the door, casting a look of longing over her shoulder at the bedroom that she had called her own. This wasn't the place for her. This... hole in the ground of an unfamiliar city was not her home. But,... it would have been cool... if things were different.... maybe. Ricki did get to meet the Justice League. She did get to stand in the presence of the Batman. She did get to (sorta) hang out with (sorta) like minded young people. They could have been a great team. Maybe not Justice League great, but great nevertheless. But, the teenagers and young adults outside the door were not her teammates, and they definitely were not her friends. Like Ricki, they were individuals wanting to do their own things. Their first fight as a team against Kobra was, let's face it, luck. Each individual team member had a his/her own target to go after. But, the fight against Icicle? That was a total disaster. The bad guy went down, but there was no communication, no plan, and no teamwork. Shutting the door behind her for the last time Ricki marched toward the elevator that lead out of this place. If anyone acknowledged her presence as she walked she paid them no mind. None of them had tried to befriend her. Of course, she hadn't really attempted to get to know any of them, but that was beside the point. Even the Flash, the HUman Glowstick, who was suppose to be Ricki's 'mentor' was running around helping the cyber chick. As she stepped into the elevator Ricki said nothing, looked at no one. She pressed the button and the doors to the lift slid shut. They didn't need her. And she wouldn't miss them.