Clare raised an inquiring eyebrow when she heard what the succubus' acquaintance had to say. Food? Was that her? Clare thought as she looked at the vampire. [i]Ugh[/i], Clare thought to herself.It's one of those. Clare shifted her seat further away from the new person at the table, making no attempt to conceal her disgust. She then noticed her licking her fangs. Was that supposed to be intimidating? Clare wondered to herself before continuing with her meal. She ignored the vampire as she did so and it wasn't particularly hard, with all the commotion around her. Before Clare could respond, Sloan was at their table, to claim what was rightfully hers.Damn, she thought to herself. [i]That's one fast cat.[/i] Seeing that she had finished most of her food, Clare picked up the half bread piece that was left and got up. "Here's where I take my leave, [i]freaks[/i]" She thought to herself as she shoved the bread in her mouth.No one here really had table manners so Clare allowed herself slips in etiquette every now and then. Stepping out of the room , she ran through her mental to do list to see what needed doing next.