Name: Morgan Ya Lee Age: 15 Race: Demon Country of Birth: Yeas Numir Seyur Country of Origin: Yeas Numir Seyur Appearance: [IMG][/IMG] Bio: When Morgan was first summon, something about it went horribly wrong. She did not intend for it to happen, but when she was summoned she ended up possessing the body of her summoner! Thankfully as a juvenile demon she didn't have the power to force her will upon the body (who was fairly strong willed already), however whenever her summoner slept she would take over, do things using his body. She slowly began to learn and grow stronger, and eventually she was able to use all of her summoner's powers just like her own. When her summoner discovered this, he tried to force her out, but Morgan was scared of what would happen if she left his body. They fought constantly, but even if she won or lost, nothing changed aside who controls the body. Soon her summoner decided enough was enough and went off to find the Well of Wishes, to rid her from his body. Morgan on the other hand wants to use the Well to get her own body, so she could finally live her own life. Personality: Morgan is a curios and naive demon. She doesn't really know all the horrors and hardship the world has, though she's sympathetic to other people's plights. However she's also quite emotional, and you can bet that if she has any reaction to something, it'll be an extreme reaction. She can be both very generous and caring and very vicious and vengeful, all depending on which mood takes over her first. Generally, however, she wants to be seen as a "Good person", and goes out of her way to assist others when she can. Combat Skills: Due to not having her Summoner's same level of ability using his natural weapons, Morgan is more prone to using weapons, usually staff weapons or spears, however she's well versed with most weapons to have a basic handling with them. She prefers range combat such as bows or throwing weapons when she isn't using a staff. Morgan also emphasis on movement and stealth when she fights, always on the run and out of sight. She only attacks when she detects a chance to do massive damage. Adventuring & Survival Skills: Morgan is a great climber and swimmer, and thanks to her endurance could survive injuries that would cripple someone else without too much issue. She's also good with animals so she can calm them for a quick and painless kill, or have them help her hunt and live off the land. She can't communicate with them, but they seem to understand her well enough. She can also use her summoner's shapeshifitng and illusion abilities to blend into her environment and stay out of sight, or hide something that she doesn't want found. Other Skills: Morgan is good at reading people and discerning lies or when someone is keeping a secret. She has a nose for finding people and things as well, which could help her detect an ambush or hunt someone down. Reason for traveling: To free herself from her prison and get her own body. Other: She currently inhabits the body of Damian, a demonic mage. She can take over his body sometimes either by force or just whenever he's otherwise knocked out or asleep. His body changes into her appearance whenever she takes over.