Jack was silent trying to focus but didn't like how Krista was enjoying how they could possibly die if he messes up," Please like you could afford the liquor I even drink." He played along with her. like her he had adrenaline pumping through his veins at the time. The last of the boats that were actually intact and had some people left on them started pulling back, Jack started to come down from his adrenaline rush and started to breath heavy, it wasn't from surviving from the attack, was trying to come down without having some sort of heart attack or dying on everyone." God damn that kinda hurts." he announced to himself and Krista." They're backing off guys cease fire unless you want to pay for the ammo in the mounted guns." Jack put the boat normal speed. While they were still fighting Alice laughed and agreed with Ana," Shit I grew up speaking Portuguese, and I speak better English than you than you, you broken english using son of a bitch !" Alice yelled to Leon. When Jack told them to cease fire, Alice was still feeling combat high and jumped from the mounted gun, she aimed herself for Dimitri, and jumped onto his back trying to bring him down, she wasn't trying to hurt him, she was playing around with the demo guy.