The soldier's radios suddenly erupted with the sound of a frantic woman's voice, and Cassie could barely make out the words. She caught a few a midst the screams, like bandages and vault and Dr. Taylor's name. But suddenly they were being rushed in a whole other direction by the UNIT soldiers. It didn't help the growing feelings of unease and panic that were threatening to overwhelm her. What was happening? Where was Adrian? Wasn't the vault the place he had been heading to? She tired assuring herself that he was fine. He had that healing thing, after all, and they had come so far. He was fine. She stumbled a bit in the rush, and she felt a strong hand reach out and keep her from falling over to get trampled. It wasn't until they had all been loaded into the elevator that she looked back at see jack looking at her. He was smiling in a comforting away, and he nodded at her. "Everything's okay, Cassie." He tone was confident, but she saw the nervous way his eyes seemed to flicker over to the solder's radios. It took an agonizingly long time for the elevator to finally reach the vault and they were all shuffled out. Initially Cassie took a look around the room, taking in the technology from other planets and what was left of that spaceship that had destroyed parliament. Then she saw an attractive woman, a UNIt doctor, kneeling over something on the ground. Not something. Someone. Lying in a pool of blood. In very familiar clothes. And Cassie couldn't stop herself from yelling. "Adrian!" "Cassie, no, wait!" Jack tried to catch her by the elbow but he was too late. Cassie slipped out of his reach and ran forward, ignoring to shouts of the soldiers as she reached the bloody mess that was Adrian. She all but collapsed onto the floor next to him and she was very aware of the tears staining her cheeks. She didn't care that her jeans wear becoming soaked by the sickening amount of blood on the floor, only that she was careful with him. Cassie tore the coat that he had given her from her body and covered him with it, trying to stop the bleeding from the bullet holes that riddled him. "Adrian?" she whispered to him, taking his hand in her own and squeezing it, as though it would give him life. "Adrian, please. It's me. It's Cassie!" Her voice was shaking, though she was trying to sound calm. She looked over at the woman and then at the people behind them. "Get bandages! Get a doctor! Help him, please!" The she looked back at Adrian and focused her attention on him. She used her free hand to push hair back from his forehead and to gently touch his cheek. "Adrian, you need to open your eyes," she said, practically begging at this point. "Please...please don't go. Don't die. Please don't leave me..." Her tears dripped from her face and into his clothes, already wet with blood. Blood...there was so much of it. She could feel it sticking to her, but she refused to let go of him. Not until he looked at her. Saw her. Smiled at her. Until she felt Jack's strong hands take hold of her. He had already moved forward and pulled Martha back. He had whispered. "Martha Jones-Smith," into her ear and had smiled before directing her attention to Adrian's hands and pulling her away. She knew what it would mean. Cassie, however, was the newest in this world, the newest member of this unofficial society of the Doctor's friends. "Cassie, you need to get back." "No!" Cassie shook her head, her tone stubborn and verging on hysterical. "No I'm not leaving him!" "Cassie, you can't do anything for him..." "No!" Jack managed to pulll her to her feet and back, away from her friend. Her friend who was dying. "No, let me go! I have to be with him! He needs..." "Cassie," Jack said quietly to her, trying to soothe the trashing young woman. "I know it doesn't seem like it, but it's going to be okay. He's going to be okay."