Reza was glad to hear that this child Assamite was not living alone. He imagined it would be difficult for one such as Gaius to do that. Landlords didn't tend to rent apartments to small children. If the child had been on his own, he probably would have been living in an abandoned building or somewhere equally unpleasant. In which case, Reza would have definitely extended the offer for him to stay closer to him and his own mentor. "I would like to meet this mentor of yours sometime," he stated, "but not tonight. We should focus on what the Prince has asked of us." In response to the question about other supernaturals that Reza knew of, the Persian Assamite shook his head. "I have no idea," he elaborated. "I only just arrived in the city a few nights ago. It seems like we'll have to put in a bit of legwork on this, but the diner the Samedi mentioned would be a good place to start looking." He glanced over at the Malkavians and Brujah, then added, "I think that's where some of them are planning to go, too. We should get to know them." By that, of course, he meant that they should find out how big of a threat they might be. Reza didn't want to cause trouble, but he also wanted to make sure he was ready for trouble if it started. He needed to know more about these Childer of Khayyin, and spending time with them was the quickest way to do it.