Beth found herself almost swept off her feet by Clint, he held her in a way that was exhilarating and urgent, their bodies pressed together. Then his lips were on hers, a rough hand had entangled in the blonde locks at the base of her neck, the small amount of pain lost in the flood of sweetness from his kiss and the burning pull of her own desire. To her surprise she found she was kissing him back, both with the same urgent intensity. It was over in a matter of moments and as he pulled away Beth found that she was reaching out for him unconsciously but she did not try and pursue him. He stammered out an apology although she was not sure why and he scampered out the room, closing the door behind him. She was left standing there, lips still throbbing as she listened to the sound of wood smashing and footsteps stomping away from her. Holding slightly trembling fingers to her still tingling lips she could not help but smile, perhaps there was still some solace to be found in the world. Turning away from the door she tipped herself into the bed in a tumble. Lowering the lamps light so the room was plunged into a soft twilight and she stripped herself down to her underwear and looking over the room she checked that her security against the supernatural was still in place. Laying down in the darkness Beth thought about the day and how it had moments of purest terror and surprising joy. She knew that she should be planning their next stage of attack, how to conquer the threat of a demon invasion but her mind kept slipping back t being in Clint’s company and that kiss. With these sweet thought in her mind she quickly fell asleep with a smile and for the first time in an age she slept through the night without a single disturbing dream. When she awoke in the morning and dressed in her normal attire she did notice the large dent in the wall opposite her room, with a smile she made her way down for breakfast thinking she would have to apologise to the owner on Clint’s behalf when she saw him.