Alex just nodded in reply to the description of a fire giant. At the statement of hiw she believes their could be a better name; "... I was thinking Helldwellers..." When she shook his hand her fingers luckily went in between the hooks on his palm . He retracted them before her actual hand couldnget grazed A painful handshake would have been amusing and depict something similar to an electric hand buzzer that causes real injury. Probably best that it didn't happen though. Childishly sadistic thoughts aside touching another being felt somewhat strange. Almost like when Alex tried to talk to her after so many days silent. He looked at his own hand for a moment after. He then heard what would probably be some useful words. Strangely Not many things came to mind. Alex was still a lost ignorant nomad in a forest. Not knowing of anything. He could have thought of an infinite amount of things to do with such an offer of being able to name what he wanted and possibly receive it. Thing is he didn't even know where he was. [i]I'd like a double cheeseburger."[/i] Came to mind. No. He did not realize it but he was starving. Living off of poorly created food generated by emotion did not have much to provide him with. It is then he noticed that more deer blood had leaked onto his coat. He ignored it. He was starving. Asking for a share of the deer poisoned his mind. He was vegetarian. He just answered; "... I ask for you to accompany and inform me of this place... In less sophisticated terms where the hell am I?" Reasonable enough.