[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Pt9pPoO.png[/img][/center] Following Prince Tobias's short explanation, they were lead to a chest of weapons and given a selection of outfits for fighting the dragons. Some looked shiny with lots of bling, while others looked like extremely heavy armor, but with the advantage of extra protection and cover from any harmful threats. Running her observant eyes over the clothing, she decided to pick out a [url=http://static.zerochan.net/White.Mage.full.172221.jpg]loose comfy sweater-dress.[/url] Rummaging through the staffs, she picked out a cane like structure without much design except for the end was curled into swirled knob. Once all of them had picked up they're desired attire and weapon, if any, they were led to the stable were their rides and guides awaited them. Serenade, Brandy, and Songbird saw them off briefly, the lot of them looking extremely tired and pale. Their expressions and aura status matched that of the prince which wasn't a surprise. But getting a peek at how much trouble the dragons must have caused to get everyone in this state made her feel weak in the knees. She nodded in acknowledgement as they continued into the outbuilding and were greeted by a line up of steel-plated Chocobos? Not a term she had ever heard of before, but one person certainly knew what the big birds were. Inadi was kwehing around and making weird motions with his body. Most of the humans were ecstatic and many hopped onto their mounts without much hesitation. Jasper on the other hand was already shaking her head and taking prudent steps south bound towards the barn exit. Stopping by Lesley's side, she remembered that he had promised to protect her and a giant white tiger suddenly appeared before them. Staring in fear, she felt relieved when a guard stepped in and redirected the wildcat elsewhere. Lesley left her side shortly after that and slipped onto a Chocobo himself. Soon coming to the reality that she was one of the only ones not yet on top of their supposed mounts, a tense feeling came crackling through out her system. Look darting from the hysterical birds to the guides, she clenched her staff tightly in her grasp, palms starting to get clammy. Breath quickening in panic, she refused to willingly climb on one herself. [b]“Anyone need help with their mounts?”[/b] Arms flinching, her blinking sped up as she backed up some more. "KWEHHH!" Right into a Chocobo, she fell down as leaped up into the air, landing scratchingly with its scary talons gnashing with the cement flooring. Scrambling away from the cawing bird, she backed up into the barn wall as Riley bounded out with her Chocobo at a dangerously quick speed. They were racing these things and she couldn't even ride one. It was too risky. There was just no way she was going to be able to ride one herself and control it. 'I can't do it.' Remembering a miniature horse incident back in grade school, she rode one of the tiny ponies when her class visited a local farm in the suburbs of New York. It was hassle for the teacher to get her on, but when she eventually forced herself to try it, being the last kid out of hundreds to go, the poor horse didn't seem to be too accepting of one more ride. As the volunteer began leading it around the same circular path every other child went through, the sheltie bucked lightly and sent Jasper toppling off. Luckily, the horse wasn't very tall and Jasper landing safely onto hay covered ground, but it was enough to be forever etched into her brain as a big 'no-no'. “Yah, I’ll pass.” "Ye-yeah... me too." She agreed with Haku who had settled on staying within the stable and Jasper wanted the same. She was still standing on two feet and not seated on the back of the mounts they were told to use. "Is there any I wouldn't have to ride one?" she asked sincerely, hoping the reply would be in her favor.