I did favor the idea- though I may have it so that B is some sort of smaller outpost for the team in the field- a safehouse to get to if shit hits the fan when they are out on the world. Also, got to say- Imran is going to be a pretty unique character among many I've done. Wheras Svetlana is similar in many regards to a certain character from a 1x1 (yeah, you know) with a few differences inter-spruced across various areas, Imran is a very unique character in terms of what he can do- though obviously, I don't want to make any character vastly OP. There's disjointed combat triangles- Heavies take out everyone, Mediums take out Lights- but it breaks in terms of Lights being able to theoretically take anyone out in the right circumstances (Stealth with Antoine, and Long-Range with Howard), even Heavies. Antoine may be so ninja, she may be able to rig C4 onto a unsuspecting heavy's back, or Howard might hit a flamer's fuel tank with an incendiary round...yep. Whreas mediums can sometimes do the same, given the right circumstances- it's all about how they are applied, though the Heavies are basically walking meat shields if not shot in the wrong place. The enemy that we will be up against I might as well mention, is also further unlike any other. Everything from Militia Taliban and your general terrorists will be around, but expect far more. Eight foot armored exoskeletons, with 25mm Autocannons and enough armor to make an MBT look soft, as well as even limted extents of mechs and stealth groups are on the way. You'll figure out how to kill it, hopefully. It's scary- Scimitar will fight very, very advanced enemies from time to time, and other times, walk through waves of grunts. Though I want to have a comedic scene where one of our characters casually steals one of those armored exoskeletons, and casually proceeds to infiltrate an enemy base posing as one. :D