Alara raised his hand to throw a strike to the tiger's head, but on the way up struck Okuni in the head, he muttered and sorry and was bum rushed by the tiger but easily spun around and got on top and began a choke out, holding the legs down, it looked more like he had fallen limp on it if it weren't for the constant head butts to the chest. As another tiger flew at him Alara rolled away and threw his glass sharps in it's face causing a panicked rush of adrenalin and an attempt on tackling Alara. As he ran Alara threw more and more shards at the beast's legs slowing it down to a complete stop. He let out a sigh shortly before seeing the the attempted strangle victim had gotten ready to pounce again. He was out of a club and running out of sharp things, and without his shield he had no defense, he was practically down to his fist, no more running could go on as his feet were very cut up and he had no defense against the claws, in short he was dead, a demon defeated by a mere tiger, this was unbelievable. Alara looked at the girl he had bumped into before, she looked very beautiful but something about her features made her seem different, she stood out as if she were integrally different from everyone else, and in a way she was. Alara put down his guard and stared at the woman, he wanted to die with such a pretty face as the last thing he was. not a tiger ready to jump.