The sun was setting across the horizon of the desolate city, and night was approaching fast. The streets were practically empty except for the abandoned vehicles and ocassionally walking corpse. Moses crouched as he ran in an attempt to stay hidden. He was trying to find a safe place to bunker up for the night without the threat of being eaten in his sleep. His rifle was slung over his shoulder and he kept his eye out for any wandering zombies that might catch him off guard, but luckily he had managed to avoid the stragglers attention. There weren't any hordes around this part of the city present so if he kept low he would be able to avoid detection. He eventually stopped when he found a decent place.[url=] An old church that had been abandoned before the apocalypse even began[/url] The windows were already boarded up, and the wall were built from some pretty strong stone, and easily defensible place as long as he was careful. "Alright girl, you ready to go check it out?" His black Siberian Husky, Joan barked in response. He pushed the door open and she slid through the crack to explore the inside of the building. Joan was a smart dog, fast and quiet she usually went on these surveys for him since she had a much easier time evading zeds than he did. He readied his rifle to hold his ground until Joan returned to give him an all clear.