[center][i]Eve sighed as she ruffled through the bags that were filled with food. [b]"Eden."[/b] She calmly announced as she watched him come out the bathroom. [b]"We don't have enough food.."[/b] Eden smiled widely, [b]"Don't worry!"[/b] He pounded his chest as his eyes showed a hint of excitement. [b]"We'll get enough and if we don't I'll just share some with you."[/b] Eve smiled as she got up and locked up the house. They decided to stay put for a while and scavenger around random houses. Eve sat comfortably on the couch as she slowly closed her eyes. Eden sat right next to her, laying his head on her shoulder. Eve sighed as she scratched her black eye patch. Each was born with an almost blind eye. As they grew up it was uncomfortable so their mother gave them an eye patch. Eden sat straight up as he heard those nasty creatures growling and gnawing right outside their door. Eve didn't seem to care so Eden decided to ignore it. Eve seemed as if she got used to it but Eden wasn't. He didn't like the feeling of looking at the undead. Yeah yeah, he's supposed to be the manly one but he isn't. As you can see, Eve's the strong one, Eden's the coward.[/i][/center]