[b]Leith and Althalus have a chat[/b] [i]In the afternoon[/i] Uicle gave a humorless chuckle. "Well, good news, the mother and the child are safe. Bad news, I nearly horrifically tortured Xyden and killed him slowly for it. If I hadn't been stopped, this conversation would have involved a lot more agonized screaming. Then I would have moved on and began the agonized screaming again, with my golems helping me, until either I exited the College or some one killed me. So, believe me, my day has nearly resulted in a pain you've never experienced, and I sincerely hope you will never experience. As that will mean you've met a side of me that's been responsisble for several major horror stories you may have heard." Rapid footsteps jerked Uicle's attention from Leith. "There's the father. I think he may have overheard you, and would like a chat. I'll stay nearby to make sure he doesn't kill you, but other than that..." Uicle shrugged. "You are on your own." As the Necromancy teacher stepped a distance away, his metal dog Golem following, the assassin stepped up where Uicle had stood. He didn't look angry. Just...cold. It seemed he was willing to give Leith a chance to explain himself, rather than just stabbing. "So..explain how you inadvertently nearly killed Mar and our child." Leith was surprised when he heard what Uicle had to say. While he was glad to hear that Mar and her child was alive, and his shoulders relaxed as he breathed a sigh of relief, he hadn't expected Uicle to be the teacher that snapped and went on a rampage. If anyone, Leith would have thought that the teacher that would snap would be the Demonmancy teacher. Leith raised an eyebrow when Uicle mentioned something about being responsible for some horror stories he may have heard of, but before he could ask about that, the buzzing in his head started to get louder. He looked around and spotted Althalus heading his way. Unable to get to his feet before Althalus was in front of him and asking about his statement, the shrieking started when Leith was halfway from his sitting position. With a hiss of pain, Leith straightened his legs and half jumped, half pushed himslef off the wall and away from the man standing in front of him to make the shrieking in his head stop. With a small grunt, Leith pushed himslef off the ground and addressed the question. "Well, Xyden approached me earlier today and told me that he had seen some spies from the armies poking around where they weren't supposed to be. He wanted me to go alert some staff members to the spies while he was following another group. Stupidly enough, I believed him, and told him that I doubted that spies were in the direction I had come from because I bumped into you and Mar and Lyn just as Mar was taken to the medical wing. I'm glad to hear that they are fine." Leith took a couple of deep breaths after he said that because he had said that in mostly one breath. Althalus blinked. This wasn't the first time Leith had reacted violently to his presence being to close. Or had known that Althalus was behind him even when there was no way of hearing his footsteps or knowing that they were Althalus'. And despite his curiosity, and blatant questioning, Leith had refused to answer him. It was a mystery, one that Leith refused to shed light on, but Althalus had spent the last six months arguing with Mar about his presence in Lyn's life. That tended to make him forget all his plans to hunt Leith down and make him answer his questions. And now he was here, listening to the man explain how he had bought a lie from a snake person that showed no emotion or any hints of lies that anything else would have shown. He sighed. "You're an idiot. You're bemoaning the fact that you bought a lie told by a snake who shows less emotion than a rock, who probably could have lied to anyone except the Psychomancy teacher, and had them believe him. They're both alive, and I'm not planning on killing you. Leave at that, and move on." A small smirk crossed his face. "Well, if you really want to make it up to Mar and me, you could help me find things a new born would need, and tell me why you react with pain when I come to close and know when I'm around you at all times." Leith gave a small smile when Althalus berated him for worrying about believing Xyden's lie when a rock showed more emotion than him, and everyone save the Psychomancy teacher would have believed it. He knew that, but it still didn't help how he felt. The smile grew wider when Althalus said that telling him how Leith knew where he was would help make it up to Mar and him. "I guess I could do that, and I think that I've gotten enough fun out of it." Leith tapped his temple with a finger. "I can [i]hear[/i] you. About five years ago, I got this... this buzzing in my head. It sounds like a swarm of bees is flying around in there. It's terrible. Sometimes it can affect my sleeping patterns, but that's beside the point. You are strange. Whenever I get close to you," Leith said as he started taking steps towards Althalus. "The buzzing starts to go crazy. And when I get close enough." He stopped when the buzzing stopped and quickly took a step back. The buzzing returned. "The buzzing turns into a terrible screeching noise. It was quite disarming when it first happened. It's kinda funny, there were a few times in these past six months where the buzzing got louder and you were nowhere in sight. As for the baby stuff, didn't Ssarak and Annabeth give you some stuff when they bumped into you?" Althalus blinked at Leith. For a moment, he didn't believe him. Then, he shrugged. "This is a mage College, and frankly, is not the strangest thing I've seen or heard of. So you can hear me because of shrieking and buzzing in your head. I can accept that." He shook his head bemusedly,before addressing Leith's final comment. "Well, that is possibly true, but I don't know where any of that is at the moment, and I'm currently grabbing food for both Mar and Lyn. So...if you see anything that Annabeth and Ssarak didn't give us that might be good for a baby, grab it and we'll find out." He turned to go, then paused and glanced backwards at Leith. "A word to the wise, stay out of tail reach of Mar if you're planning on carrying anything you grab into the room with her. She might not like what you've chosen and her emotions are a little...wild right now. Also, never mention you inadvertently gave Xyden directions. She's far less understanding than I am." He started to walk away, heading towards the kitchen. Uicle was no where to be found. Leith watched Althalus walk down the hall. It had been an interesting morning, and Leith hoped that the incident with Xyden was the only bad thing that will happen in the ensuing day. With a sigh, Leith started his search for Val. He wanted to see if his rune he had commissioned from her was ready.