[indent] The high sunlit clouds drifted lazily across the clear blue sky as Cecily strolled about through the desolated road. Aside from the wrecked cars and the occasional grunt of a lurker, it appeared to be an ordinary day. One of those rare days from before, where people weren't dropping like flies and reanimating shortly after. [b]"If I didn't know any better..."[/b] Cecily sighed, fastening the straps of her backpack. [b]"I would think I was just on my way home from class."[/b] But of course she wasn't. [i]And things aren't ever going back to those days.[/i] As if to reassure her of that thought, a rotting soulless body moaned towards her, acknowledging her existence. Lucky for Cecily, that was the closest one to her, and as long as she didn't make any loud noise or wrong moves, she wouldn't need to engage the reanimated corpse. Instead, she quickened her pace, effortlessly leaving the thing behind and sticking to turned cars and the occasional tree. She was done scavenging for the day, so it was time to leave the town and walk to the nearest house. [b]"I still have enough time,"[/b] Cecily murmured, as she looked up at the sun's position. She turned her attention back towards the road, making sure that her field of view wasn't obstructed. [/indent]