[center][i]As the girl swiftly kicked Eve, she fell on the floor. Eden stared at both of them as she chuckled. He then noticed the young girl, surprised he stepped back. [b]"Oh...uh..My sister here thought that you were a.."[/b] He gulped but continued speaking. [b]"A walker."[/b] He then walked towards Eve grabbing her and picking her up. [b]"Sorry."[/b] He said awkwardly laughing as he stuffed his weapon inside his pocket. Eve rested her baseball bat on her shoulder. Her smirked face slightly turned into a frown. [b]"....Your name?"[/b] She said with a sassy tone. She reached for Eden's hand and grabbed it. Eden smiled, [b]"sorry for her acting rudely. I'm Eden. That's Eve."[/b] He said nodded his head, [b]"This is possibly the first we've seen a living person out here!"[/b] He said excitedly. He suddenly had a feeling this was going to be a good day considering there were still some Walkers. His eyes widen as she remembered something. [b]"Right! We were just heading to see if everything was alright. I wouldn't mind to invite you to our house?"[/b] He scratched the back of his head, chuckling. [b]"Well...It really isn't our house. We randomly found it! But still! Stay with us for a while?"[/b][/i][/center]