[indent] Cecily straightened her stance and took a few steps backwards. She was still in full defense mode, her eyes flickering between the crazy bat girl and what appeared to be a genderbent clone of that girl. [i]Twins...?[/i] He got closer to them and helped the girl up. However, Cecily didn't relax a single muscle of hers. She was still debating on whether she should bring out her weapon or not. After all, she might have to fight against two people. She needed an escape route, and fast. But how? [b]"...stay with us for a while?"[/b] [i]What?[/i] Cecily turned her attention back to the twins, realizing the male one had been speaking with her the whole time. Maybe they weren't hostile? [i]Doesn't matter. I still can't trust them..[/i] Her eyes then rested on the sky, where the sun was slowly setting on the horizon, ready to end the day. [i]Forget it, getting shelter is more important right now, Cecily.[/i] She turned her attention back to the twins and relaxed her stance. Although she hadn't heard a single word they had said to her, she assumed they were inviting her to their shelter. [b]"Lead the way."[/b][/indent]