Glancing briefly over to the outstretched hand, clutching yet another cigarette offered for her partaking, Ericka just merely gave a snort, clenching the lit cig between her two harsh fingers and giving a curt nod to Zexel, [b]"Thanks mate."[/b] before taking a drag off of it, vigilant, glaring eyes still upon the rest of the inmates flocking and squawking about the mess hall as if a bunch of agitated hens fidgeting about their nasty, feather ridden coop. Even if many in here haven't done much to gain the woman's ire, they were all befallen by the scrutinizing and oft disdainful glances of the werewolf, first snarling fire through her nostrils upon seeing that damn neko again, still the desire ever present to wrench her up by her tail and beat her within an inch of her life, next to that haughty and vain succubus, how Ericka wished she could get the slag alone in one of the many dark and dingy, dimly lit corridors of this infernal bloodsoaked hellhole, just her, the bitch Selwyn,and one of those rusty little knives from the kitchen...pretty much all she could manage with thanks to that damn collar the Warden slapped on her, but the prison morgue would still have a field day trying to identify the mess of gore Ericka would make out of that Hell Fairy. Finally, and as ever, her eyes fell back to the muted bookworm that was her cellmate, quietly glowering boredly to her fellow werewolf...even if she was a mixed breed and not a proud full-blood like Ericka, but least she wasn't a tactless human or....a filthy vampire. [b]"You gonna talk, or you gonna just sit there like a twit and read those fucking books all day?"[/b] She never understood why her cellmate was never one for words...not that she really gave a damn if the [i]mutt[/i] wanted to talk or not, but what she couldn't grasp either is why someone would just waste every day of their life reading books, especially when there was alot more [i]fun[/i] to be had within these sullen walls of cold stone and barbed wire, other than just staring blankly at words printed on paper. Then again...thank a more primitive and loveless upbringing for Ericka....being uneducated. Reading? How would that help her any? Could reading tear flesh from bone with razor sharp claws and vicious gouging teeth? Could reading move with lightning speed and pounce upon an unsuspecting victim, be it a human or anything else? frankly it was absolutely useless to a werewolf to be educated so modestly, same went for religious indoctrination....but that was something else. [b]"Hmph..."[/b] Merely a shrug of her shoulders given to her cellmate, Ericka took another drag off the cig, turning her attention back to the cafeteria, a sigh of agitation released with a thick issuing of smoke from her lungs. [b]"You know something, mutt? One day....before they drag me off.....I'm gonna kill everyone in this damn room. That may or may not include you. Depends on if you're smart. Heh....which I guess you are, reading all those books and whatnot. Doesn't really make a damn to me..."[/b]