Here it is! --- Name: Rayne Maxwell Age: 18 Height: 5’7 Weight: 115ibs Sex: Male Gender: Male Orientation: A bit of this and a bit of that. (Bisexual) HandedNess (dominance): Right Appearance (description &/or image): Rayne is a fairly skinny guy with long arms and legs. Favourite clothes include jeans and long sleeved shirts when it’s cold, and a normal shirt and still jeans when it’s hot. [hider=Rayne][img=][/hider] General Personality (description): In a word, eccentric would be the most fitting for Rayne. He is fun loving and very active, always running around and playing. He is always smiling, doing his best to lighten the mood, even if he is sad or depressed. When asked as a kid ‘What is the one thing you want the most?’ His answer was ‘I want everyone in the world to smile’. This is the motto he lives by every day, doing his best to be happy with his friends. (Side note, he is rather flirtatious with almost everyone he meets)