He Who Is Cursed [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/AmpbYh5.jpg[/IMG] [hider=My Spoiler] [b]Name:[/b] "My name is John Walter, it's a pleasure to meet you." [b]Sex:[/b] "Is it really that hard to tell whether I'm a boy or girl? Now that's a bit upsetting." [b]Age:[/b] "I just turned eighteen recently." [b]Appearance:[/b] "Sorry if this is rude but are you blind?" (Black hair, warm brown eyes, his demeanor isn't serious like the above image, in fact he's usually friendly.) [b]Personality:[/b] "There isn't much to say really, I'm just your typical guy... mostly." [b]Background:[/b] [i]Journal Entry One- Howling has been keeping me up all night. Those damn wolves, don't they know I have to wake up early in the morning to help father tend the farm? Well with nothing else to do, I've decided to write in my journal. Besides it feels good to write down my thoughts, it makes me feel at peace. Yes, the howling finally died down, off to bed. Journal Entry Two- I know it's been a few weeks since I've updated this, but strange things have been happening. Despite the fact we reinforced the farm, wolves still managed to get in and attack our cattle. Even more terrifying is that the cattle seem to be mauled beyond recognition. These must be some big wolves... or something. Journal Entry Three- I haven't updated this thing in a few days, things have been going to shit. I can't believe this, but my younger brother has gone missing. We fear the worst, that the wolves have eaten him whole. My mother is a wreck, and my father doesn't want any of us going outside after dark. These are troubling times for my family. Journal Entry Four- I'm right now terrified, and haven't gotten any sleep. I keep seeing a silhouette pass by my window, and occasionally hear a growling noise. The figure didn't resemble neither human or wolf. What could it be? It's almost sunrise and I'll have to go and feed what remains of the cattle in a bit. I guess now would be a good time to investigate. If only my father and brothers would listen to my plead and abandon this farm. I've never particularly loved the farm life, and always wanted to study in medicine. Well time to do some investigating, be back in a few. Journal Entry Five- I'm freaking out right now, while wandering around the farm with nothing but a lantern, I stumbled upon one of our cows which was dead. Before I knew it something pounced on me, and I instinctively used my arms to cover my face. The thing bit my arm, and I thought I was a goner. Then the sun rose, and the beast fled. What on earth could it be, it was extremely hairy, and almost twice my size. Journal Entry Six- My mother took me to a local healer, and I recovered from my wound. However I've been experiencing... changes. After doing some research, I theorize that I may have been bitten by a werewolf, and I might slowly be changing into one. So I've made the decision to run away and never come back. If my transformation completes, than I'll go on a unstoppable rampage and kill my loved ones. I can't live with that. Journal Entry Seven- It's been a few weeks since I've last updated this. I guess I should give you a update on my life. I feel my transformation is near complete, and I'm afraid that not only my physical capabilities and senses changed, but I have changed. When the moon is out, radiating me with it's energy, I feel the urge to murder everybody in the vicinity. I fear I may do something I might regret later. The thing that scares me though is soon I'll probably be able to transform into it. A werewolf. Journal Entry Eight- I'm afraid to say that it's happened, or at least I think it did. I woke up in the middle of the forest, with torn clothes. As I explored the forest, to my shock I've found random blood stains and countless amounts of mutilated corpses through the forest. I fear that I may have transformed inside a town, and have been hunted down by a mob of townfolk, which would explain the multiple corpses throughout the forest. I see a cabin, hopefully I can get help inside. Journal Entry Nine- Again I have failed to update this consistently, but I'm here to write that things have taken a turn for the better. That cabin I stumbled upon was inhabited by a witch. Well she prefers I call her a healer. Living with the witch is both her daughter and granddaughter. I run errands and do tasks for them, and in return they allow me to live with them. This witch knows a spell to restrain my transformations, and this is all too good to be true. Journal Entry Ten- Wow it's been a while. How long, two years since I've updated this. I can't believe time goes by so fast. Well to summarize the last two years, the witch who's name is Agnes has been teaching me magic. Well... mostly healing and defensive magic. Apparently I am talented with magic, probably because of my mother's elven heritage. She also taught me quite a bit about alchemy. She refuses to let anyone, including her granddaughter Isabella to use any other kind of magic. As for Isabella's mother Beatrice, I've found out that she was once a powerful evil witch, who's power had been sealed. As of now, she is unable to use magic, but is still knowledgeable. Beatrice has been teaching her daughter how to preform other types of magic, in secret of course. Honestly I'm sort of envious. On the bright side I've become both a great healer and alchemist, and can cast a good defense spells if I do say so myself. Well time to go run a errand. Journal Entry Eleven- My hands are shaking as I write this, but things have gone to hell. As I was returning with the groceries I was supposed to bring, I heard chaos in the town. I wasn't sure if my eyes were deceiving me, but I saw Agnes bound to a wooden post with rope. I couldn't believe it, I had just saw her back in the cabin a half an hour ago, and here she was in the town about to be burned to death. I wanted to help, but I was a coward... I ran back to the cabin, to find it aflame. Both Isabella and Beatrice were no where to be seen. Near the cabin, I saw Isabella's sword on the ground. Did she drop it, or leave it behind? That's besides the point, now I have nowhere to go... Who will restrain my transformation? What will I do now? [/i] [b]Equipment:[/b] "Besides the clothes I'm wearing, and Isabella's sword that I kept as a memento, I don't have anything..." Sword- A two handed sword. John is strong enough to wield the sword one handed effectively, however John literally has zero sword training. [b]Faction:[/b] "I wish." [b]Marital Status:[/b] "Now isn't the time to be thinking of marriage at all." [b]Magic:[/b] "Mundane or arcane? Uhh... not sure where I would fall. I'm a great healer, and can cast defensive spells." [B]Skills:[/B] "I don't think I'm much." [B]Human Form Abilities:[/B] Healing Magic- John has been learning healing magic for two years from a experienced witch. Defensive Magic- John has been taught defensive magic for two years from a experienced witch. Senses- John's werewolf status doesn't only give him acute hearing, but a extremely good smell, which would make him a good tractor assuming he had a scent to go by. Furthermore he has nocturnal vision. Body- Due to John's werewolf status, he not only carries large amounts of stamina and endurance, but he also possesses slightly enhanced strength and speed. Slight Healing Factor- Due to John's werewolf status, he heals faster than others. However this isn't something that can be applied in battle. A injury that would normally take a week to heal would probably take three days for him. etc. [B]Werewolf Form Abilities[/B] Feral Mind- John has no control over this form, and goes through an unstoppable rage, and acts on instinct. Obviously he is unable to use magic in such a form. Claw Retraction- John possesses sharp claws in this form that can tear through flesh and bone. Werewolf Physiology- Unlike his human form which brings John's strength to slightly above peak human levels, when in his actual Werewolf form it is brought to monstrous levels. Furthermore he has enhanced agility, speed, and extremely sharp teeth. Lunar Empowerment- The strength and size of John's Werewolf form is dependent on the phases of the moon. If the moon is full, then John's form would be at it's strongest, and be impossible to control. However if it were a, let's say new moon his form would be at it's weakest, but possible to control. Werewolf Stamina- In this form, he possesses crazy amounts of stamina and endurance. Werewolf Regeneration- In this form, he is able to regenerate wounds. [/hider] If you have any problems feel free to tell me.