Kat's energetic sharpening halted when she felt the presence of a stranger leaning in to observe her, though she stopped immediately as she was broken out of her obsessive sharpening trance. The blades on her weapons looked like they could cut a week into nine days they were sharp, and they gleamed a steely white in the light. When the stranger spoke, asking about what exactly she was doing, she sheathed her revolvers in one quick motion and lightly held Setenta, mostly because she wanted to admire the blade a bit more. She looked over the figure before her, a faunus boy of average height with his tail wrapped around his waist, before replying with: [b]"Nothing too special, just prepping my weapons for the exam...I think I might have overdone it though..."[/b] She brought the sword up gently to around her chest with the blade facing upwards, and plcked one of the hairs from her head and dropped it on top. The hair split cleanly in half, much to her surprise, and a rather quick sheathing of the sword out of fear of accidentally hurting the guy she was talking to. Before she could take the conversation somewhere, another guy walked up, this one slightly taller and human. It seemed like him and the faunus were acquainted as he gave him a slap on the back and thanked him before introducing himself with a smile on himself. He seemed...slightly familiar. A little lightbulb went off in her head as she remembered that he was the one who'd been competing with the blonde chick with anger issues yesterday. Not wanting to be rude after he'd introduced himself, she pulled her baseball cap from her pocket and placed it on her head before answering with: [b]"I'm Kat. You were the guy in that shooting contest yesterday, right?"[/b]