The guards surrounding the horned man only seemed to shiver. If wasn't as planned and from the looks of it, even as pained as the Blood Dragon had looked? They didn't want to intervene and throw away their lives for nothing. The Ancient Dragon -did- look as if they had put him through hell. Precise cuts were all over his form, though he seemed to ignore them as if they weren't there. He would move across the stage and stare at the people whom were fleeing, making him chuckle a bit on the inside. These people really didn't deserve a chance to see him let alone buy him..They were all too cowardly. Though if anything was the way it had been back in the day, Gore would try and sell himself. The act that he had to play was pathetic and completely built up but his memories of what they did to Dragons who didn't sell like they wanted, made even him hesitate. The Blood Dragon recalled how his brothers and sisters were beaten and abused in ways that no living creature should be, most of the time Dragons who didn't sell often found themselves being tortured. Sometimes even pieces of their bodies would be removed for trinkets or toys. Scales, Fangs, even claws were taken in hopes to sell them, claiming that the figures from the Dragons were great and grand. Gore could only imagine how many they would take from him. The removal of scales wasn't a severely painful thing, but if done repeatedly? Could feel like thousands of needles had been punctured into one of the 'Lizards' forms. They would probably receive a great amount of profit from the color of his scales. So he continued to play the part, trying to endear them to spend more. That is until several armed men, dressed in a grey color uniform approached the Stage, moving quickly on it as they pointed their spears, swords and guns at the Blood Dragon, making the Dragon look around himself before narrowing his eyes. The Uniforms that the men were looked familiar to him, but that was impossible! No order stood over the period of centuries. Then a man with jet black hair approached him. The Blood Dragon just tilted his head at the man who seemed to look at his very being like he was nothing. The lack of fear in this humans eyes bothered the Dragon greatly. Why wasn't he -afraid-!? He wanted him to be terrified, but the mans blue eyes simply remained on him like there was nothing amiss! "Gore, We have come to place you back in your chains. Either return to your true form and place yourself back where you belong..or, be tried for the deaths of the countless people you have murdered in cold blood like the monster you truly are. Others of your kind have been put down for less so you can imagine how much I hope you-" Gore started to laugh, actually unable to listen to what this pathetic man was spewing. Did he really just call the Blood Dragon a monster!? Moving a claw to his own stomach to try and balance himself from falling over from having such a chuckle, He simply stepped forward toward the man, causing each one of these guards to lift their weapons even more, aiming them at him with the intent to use them and kill him. "Aye, because I shall obey you. A man who follows the Order." The Dragon knew of the uniforms and figured these were of the same group of people that were around in his prior days. At least something was familiar. The Order was a group of government that specialized in the laws of Dragonkin. They would be considered the officers of Dragons and would enforce their laws by any means required. They often abused their power to get some sadistic thrill out of making life as hard and horrible as possible for Dragons. "Of course you would know of whom we serve, the Blood Dragon has killed more people than any other living thing in this realm, so you must have held a close relationship with our ancestors whom were honored to serve the balance of things." Gore growled, clenching his claw into a fist. He wanted to rend the man before him into a million pieces, but didn't. To the Ancient Dragon, this man was the very thing he loathed the most. Naive belief and fortitude of humanity, the same people who captured innocent Dragons for labor and other demeaning tasks. "Aye, I shall offer you a counter offer then..Admit your kind are the monsters..and I shall return to the chain. But if you cannot? You best bring my end -human-." As soon as he said that, the men moved forward in a blink, actually impaling Gore in the side, flipping a switch in their spears as volts flew down them, making Gore fall to his knee's, having one of the Order move behind him with a blade at his throat. "Gore, by will of the Order-" Before the man could finish the order, the stout man moved over to him, speaking up to try and settle this. "Now hold on, hold on! The Blood Dragon is owned by Druthers&Druthers and will not stand for him to be tried or punished! That is our Dragon until he sells! This is an auction, not a courthouse! People have already placed bids, you cannot do anything to him until he breaks the law -after- he has been properly civilized and approved by the court!" Said the large man, knowing he could lose his job if he allows them to take the Blood Dragon. The black haired man looked over at the stout auctioneer. With a shake of his head, he didn't agree. "Is that so?" He asked, looking at the stout man before turning to the crowd who grew quiet. Moving over, he pulled out a fire arm and shot Gore in the shoulder, causing the Dragon to groan. After that, he turned to face the crowd with a dark smile. "My dear people, I am Lieutenant Rorshe of the Order. I have come here to punish the guilty and this Dragon -is- guilty, is he not?..So I ask you this. Will any of you truly claim him? If so, please..speak..if not, then I ask you another question. Would you prefer to see the execution of Gore, the Blood Dragon?" Gore growled, moving to try and stop the man who would seem to want him to die, shaking his head. Why would they do this now of all times?! That's when the Dragons eyes widened. He knew why, but couldn't speak out. These people were as corrupted as they were back then! They often claimed they followed the law but instead they just enjoyed beating Dragons. They were worse then hired Mercenaries! They wanted to make Gore look weaker than he was, knowing that this would sell. This was all an act! Though after a moment of silence, Rorshe moved back to the Dragon, moving to impale him as he began to shock him. Waiting for someone to speak up. Gore struggled, only to growl at the man who was torturing him. "Well, if no one wishes to buy him! Then this shall be quite a night, don't you agree?"