Hello everyone, well I found this forum here and liked the idea and so decided to join, pretty much. But I like to go a bit overboard with these introduction topics so I will explain and go into how much experience and knowledge on RPs I have so far, that makes sense. I got into Role-Playing half an year ago, I think. I didn't made any serious Role-Plays so far but I think I can "survive" in the Casual Role-Play section and will probably look around there. And so this here could be called me trying to get better at RP'ing, pretty much. More to me, I am 19 and come from Germany, that means English is my 2nd language but I can speak it good enough, in my opinion. So yeah I will probably check by the IRC too that I read about, I love meeting new people on forums, kay then (Also don't have found a Avatar for me yet, hahaha)