She caught the eye of one of the servers, and realized they were signalling for her. Now may be the time to really gross out the human, because Rose finally got to eat. Rose got up from her seat at the table with the human toy and the Succubus. She was impressed - there was more than meets the eye with most of her fellow inmates. It would be interesting to see how they might be made to tick. Manipulating other's to create drama was always an entertaining pursuit, but Rose would rather see some serious divide go on in the prison. Watching her little playthings squirm would bring her much pleasure. She sauntered to the lady, and bared her teeth at her just to watch her squirm. She took the large dark glass the lady was holding out for her, at arms length, as if it could somehow infect her. It entertained her to see they would try to hide exactly what it was she was drinking from the other inmates with the dark glass, and that they were already intimidated by her. No matter, she'd make a show of enjoying it for her audience. She wanted to drink it at her table, but the guards gave her a curious look and she decided not to stir the pot too much on the first day. She drank it down slowly, enjoying the rich taste. It was never enough, but the less blood they gave her, they less powerful she was. She made a show of sighing after and licking her lips, then handed the glass back and walked back to her table. She sat down, this time less predatory and more observant. She looked to her cellmate Selwyn, and to the human. Today could only get more interesting.