The girl at the table wasn't much for talking. Typical. So many inmates thought it better to simply clam up and stay solo. By only getting involved with yourself, you got to avoid getting entangled with others. It was almost admirable, but it was also naive and foolish. No one gets anywhere on the inside by being an introvert. Sooner or later, lines get drawn. Sooner or later a decision happens. Selwyn had been an inmate long enough to know the reality of things. But let the girl have her illusions. Her delusions, as they were. She would learn soon enough. They all do. Selwyn was in mid bite when Rose came over and announced her presence. Ah, Rose, the other cellmate. Though Selwyn liked to think she was on good terms with both Rose and Tiela, if she had to pick a preferred cellmate, it would be Rose. And only because of their similarities in terms of basic needs and wants. Cut from the same cloth, and if she was being totally honest, it was nice to see a fellow inmate who also appreciated the use of a mirror. ' "Ah, Rose, dear, you are awake. Always a joy. As far as food goes, this one is far too quiet and reserved for my tastes. I much prefer them to be active. Lively. Full of...stamina. But by all means, she is all yours." Selwyn allowed herself a chuckle, baring her fangless teeth towards Rose and the other woman. Selwyn wasn't joking, and she wasn't quite about Rose, though she erred on the side of Rose being as serious as she was. The smile turned southward in a flash as the cat thing decided the best course of action in procuring freely acquired goods was by trampling over food and making a comment meant to be insulting. Selwyn merely sighed out of more annoyance than anything else. Typical inmate mentality. Make yourself seem like you don't take any shit right up until the end. Prison was like a schoolyard, and the cat was like a fifth grade bully trying to impress the eighth graders. She was failing. "Why is it, Rose, that others seem to think remarks against my appearance will irk me? Do they think I lack for confidence, or do they honestly think I care so much about my physical features that any knock against it will get my blood boiling? Honestly, it is like all they know is what I am and figure that that is good enough ammunition. It would be rather hilarious if it had not been happening for centuries." Selwyn spoke and as she did so, offered only a little chuckle and handwave towards the leaving woman. A pot calling the kettle, that one. Who wasn't a freak in this place, in their own way? "By the by, have you seen Tiela about? I wish to ask her about her rodent hunting." As Selwyn spoke to Rose she turned around and tapped a newly seated goblin on the shoulder. The goblin turned around and Selwyn whispered something in her ear. The goblin's eyes perked up and she began nodding profusely. Selwyn returned the smile with a sly grin as she handed over the tray of cat-trampled meat in exchange for the newly acquired tray of meat that had been the goblin's. "Much better." Selwyn grinned and began to cut up her new meal.