Isaak couldn't believe what he had just done, he had hit one Voldemort's top generals back when the Dark Lord lived before his death at the hands of Harry Potter. this made him both proud of his accomplishment, and scared of the evil witch having retribution. he had always imagined getting wizarding duels when he was older, but never would he have thought that he would fight against a Death Eater and at his age. life sure did cause many strange things to happen, and this was one of them. "Isaak!" he turned and saw his family hurry over with worried looks on their faces. he walked over to meet them and thought up a way of telling them what happened without worrying them. "What in Merlin's name happened here?" his father asked trying to keep a calm tone in his voice. before Isaak could reply, a wizard from the crowd said in an amazed voice, "he sent a spell at the Death Eater Bellatrix and helped drive her off from torturing that boy over there!" his parents and siblings looked at him in shock. Isaak didn't say anything and just nodded to tell them that what the wizard said was true. "are you hurt?" his mother asked in a concerned voice. "no, I'm fine mum, I just couldn't believe that Bellatrix was here" he replied. "I would never have believed the idea of you, a twelve year old wizard would go up against the likes of Bellatrix Lestrange, I am very proud of you my son" his father said with a smile. Isaak smiled back, but truthfully, he was worried about the Death Eater and wondered if the mad witch would pose a threat to him and his family. he then remembered the tortured student and Isaak hurried over to the boy to see if he was alright. "Do you need to go the hospital?" he asked Veyas in a concerned voice.