Subject: Raven, "Princess" Amelia. Location: Prisoner cells, Security wing She sighs, returning to her position, sitting infront of the cells. Her job is obviously the least fun one. For starters, she has to remain in the security wing all the time. Along with that, the security wing is the most painful place for her to be, with pictures of her beautiful face stored in many of the computers as someone to look out for, and having nobody to talk to. And finally, there aren't any prisoners to watch after-- As far as she knows, the only true criminal on the ship is herself, and she hasn't even been identified yet. She grabs onto a bar above her head, to pull herself up. Once she is on her feet, she steps out of the cell block. She makes her way to a familliar destination. (Like sea-pirates from Earth fairytales, the space-pirate Captain Juliet enjoys the occasional inebriation.) As her luck goes, she finds herself stuck in a situation where there is a man in the hall, cleaning the floor. As she is not normal people, Amelia realizes that she may not get away with just walking past the man, avoiding conversation. Still, she attempts to cross the hall, away from the mess, and... Location: Hall, near the bar As her luck goes, Amelia's feet fail. More precicely, the tiny, human shoes on her long, Vuri feet fail, with the sole on her left foot ripping, causing her to tumble forward through the hall. After she finishes rollng, and halts flat on her back, she finally is able to decide the cause of her problem. [i]Who put flat ground where I was going to trip?[/i]