Mmmph. That voice. Maxwell wouldn't get this, but LeeRoy sounds like a drunk Barry White with a lisp right now. That's really something there. If Maxwell DID know who Barry White was, he would be chuckling his ass off right now. That doesn't really have much to do with anything, I just thought I'd mention it. "Cool. Apology accepted then. I was honestly a bit concerned you'd refuse and we get into a dick waving contest of 'Who wants to yield first'. Which frankly, neither of us have the time for." Maxwell taps his incredibly chiseled as he thinks. "I'm more than willing to help drag the ship, that's not a problem. It doesn't weigh too much. I could just pick it up, though I'm pretty sure carrying 80 tons on my hands, putting all that weight on just my feet, the ground wouldn't like that too much. I'd probably sink. So do you have any big chains or anything I could tug on? I think you'd rather I do that than just shove my hands through the hull and push." Maxwell knows whats up, he's a smart dude. If LeeRoy got that upset about him having to push it off of himself in the desert, breaking the hull with his hands would certainly upset him some more. "Also, where exactly are we headed now? I wasn't paying a whole ton of attention to the scenery as I was hurtling out of space. Is there a city or something we can go to to repair this busted ship?" A city would be a good place to go, and Maxwell is positive that as long as LeeRoy tells him what to get, he'd be able to "acquire" some parts real quick. One way or the other. Anything he needs to do to get off this godforsaken rock and into the action sooner rather than later. Once LeeRoy lets him know what the plan is (LeeRoy's the planner right now, after all, he's the one with the spacecraft), he'll go outside, lift this puppy up, and they can get moving.