[b]Name:[/b] Garth [b]Alias:[/b] Tempest [b]Role:[/b] Titan [b]Brief Bio[/b]: Garth was born in 1998 in the Atlantean colony of Hyperborea, in the Arctic Sea. Prince and heir to the ruling clan of Hyperborea, his birth was the subject of much public unease, as his purple eyes were an omen of great misfortune, and the superstitious Atlantean people called for him to be exiled into the sea. The Hyperboreans under normal circumstances were a pacifistic people, but they were more closely attuned to magic than most Atlanteans, and so put their faith in prophecy to a greater extent. Garth's father, King Thar, ignored the demands for him to abandon his son and raised Garth to eventually take his place as king. And so the young prince lived, learning to speak and swim as well as the fundamentals of sorcery. When Garth was still young, tragedy struck Hyperborea, though Garth was not the cause of it. King Thar's jealous brother Zath, a mighty sorcerer, attacked Hyperborea with an army of undead that he raised through necromancy. The peaceful Hyperboreans were not prepared for this onslaught, and they all quickly perished, except for one. Garth had been spared the fate of his parents, as his father had used the magical power of the Hyperborean throne to hide and protect him. When reinforcements from Atlantis arrived to destroy Zath and his army, Garth was found to be the only survivor. Garth was adopted by the king of all Atlanteans, Orin, a man better known as Aquaman. Under his tutelage, Garth was raised with an intense sense of justice, and trained so that he may protect others and prevent another tragedy like the Fall of Hyperborea. While training with the mystics of Atlantis, Garth found that his magical potential was equal, if not greater to that of his evil uncle, and he could grow to be one of the most powerful sorcerers in the world. Following the disappearance crisis, Garth lent his strength to those on the surface as Tempest, and assisted in the founding of the Teen Titans. [b]Abilities:[/b] Garth's strength, endurance and durability are all superhuman, and enhanced even more in water. He can breathe water as well as air, can swim at supersonic speeds, and can survive the pressure and cold of the deep ocean up to four thousand feet. Garth's senses are extremely sharp, as he can see through leagues of water, smell a drop of blood in an Olympic swimming pool, and navigate via sonar. His magical abilities are considerable, capable of hydrokinesis, minor telekinesis, ESP, astral projection and energy blasts. His telepathic ability is very well developed, as he can use it to take over the minds of simple creatures, such as marine animals. He can also increase or decrease the temperature of water, though he is more adept the the latter than the former. He has received training in martial arts, amphibious combat and hydrodynamics from Aquaman himself, giving him the skills necessary to properly utilize his powers. His ultimate technique is the "Hyperborea Zero Drive," wherein he can generate a quantum energy with a temperature below absolute zero, and immediately transfer that temperature to his opponent, destroying them with infinite cold. However, this technique is meant to be an absolute secret, so as not to fall into dangerous hands, and using poses great risk to Garth himself. [b]Personality:[/b] Garth is a surprisingly mature young man. He takes his job very seriously, and has little tolerance for injustice of any kind. Given his royal upbringing, he is exceptionally polite and proper, even in casual company. Evil magic users raise a particular ire in him, as do those that believe that he has had an ideal life as a prince of Atlantis. This is not to say that he is all business, as he enjoys sports and video games like any other teenager, but he firmly believes that leisure has its own time and place. His demeanor, while somewhat stern, is exceedingly calm and collected, and he has yet to ever lose his temper on the job. Some find him to be cold or impersonal, but he simply tries his hardest to not let his feelings trample his thoughts. That said, he is an Atlantean at heart, and will act on his gut instinct when the time calls for it. [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Garth][img=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/246/5/b/tempest_titans_design_by_bobkitty23-d6kxduu.png][/hider] Garth is 180 cm tall and weighs 81 kg, giving him a muscular, athletic build, comparable to an Olympic swimmer. [b]Affliation:[/b] King Thar (deceased): Father Queen Berra (deceased): Mother Aquaman: Adoptive Father, Mentor Mera: Adoptive Mother [b]Other:[/b] The black marks on Garth's face are scars of frozen flesh, the result of his first, disastrous attempt at using the Hyperborea Zero Drive, and a constant reminder to use his power wisely.