Eva blinked at the room around her, dazed by the noise and the images. It had been so long..... she did not know how long she had spent in some isolated little cupboard of a cell. Long enough that she had gone into hibernation. She was so confused. [i]Why[/i] had she ever been locked away like that? She didn't even remember what she had done. All she knew was that she was back, in a room filled with no one she recognized. The guards had given her four badgers to eat, but she was still hungry. Stupid pests were never able to provide enough depth of love to satisfy her, but it was especially bad when they were killed shortly after she ate them. Like she could manipulate [i]badgers[/i] into freeing her! She was in the cafeteria, she knew. She sat alone at a table in the corner, watching others eat their drivel, her hands folded on her lap and her knees pressed together. She was gagged, of course; the piece of white cloth that covered her month looked ordinary, and her muffled speech could even be heard through it, but some sort of spell had been placed on it. If anything other than her face got too close to the gag it would lock tightly in place and the little box chained to her waist would launch thin little chains out to the metal bands around her wrists and ankles and reel them in. The process was very humiliating, and Eva wouldn't trigger it on purpose. Except.... She was so, so [i]hungry![/i] She had to do something. Fortunately, dazed though she was, she was not oblivious to her surroundings. At a table not far from hers, an apparently notorious werewolf was talking about killing everyone. She wondered.... maybe that werewolf was strong enough to break her gag. No matter who that werewolf was, she could never actually hurt Eva. it was worth a shot. So, wavering, Eva rose and walked, teetering and holding onto tables for support as her bare feet made their way across the cool floor. After making a show of hesitating, she took a seat next to the girl who was reading. She let her eyes flicker back and forth between her lap and the women around her and said, "Um, hello... I just got out of solitary, I was in there for quite a while, and, well...." She flashed a weak smile at the pair of werewolves (unaware that they'd never see it through her gag) and continued, "Um, nice to meet you!"