The Jhingese ship once again forwarded the message to its processing computers, queuing it up for processing. So far, the linguists believed they had identified "Yddr States" and "Iliptic Sphere" as proper nouns, but had yet to find meaning in them. They had also figured out "you" and the forms thereof, or at least they thought they did. The crew was nervous as the corvette flew alongside them, but the Jhingese manning the telescopes pointed out the flashing lights and the opening airlock. Taking another gamble, an airlock on fore end of the ship was opened. The airlock's lights flashed in matching hue and rhythm to the corvette's, and a pressurized docking tunnel* extended from it, the magnetic grapples on the end waiting. Oblivious to the alkay's messages, the ship maintains its course. *If the alkay choose to dock, they will notice the atmosphere is high humidity, relatively high pressure, and relatively low oxygen levels (compared to Earth; adjust compared to alkay if necessary)