[b][center]Annabeth Gultch[/b][/center] [b]"Oh, of course Lidda. Um... I guess this is good night. I hope you enjoy your stay at the college, sir."[/b] Annabeth bowed one more time towards Lidda's father and the ambassador from Eania. She could hardly believe it, and had many questions to ask, such as why Lidda was in that form, just how she related to her father, what they were doing out here, and so many more. But Annabeth did as Lidda suggested and went off to find her friends. Annabeth continued to wonder around the college, her thoughts no longer on Lidda but now on her friends. She hasn't seen Ssarak since she tried to give her gifts to Mar and Athalus. She was also certain that Haklo was no where to be seen; even though she scarcely had much interaction with him, he left a fairly pleasant impression on her. But all her thoughts came back to Cynn. It had been quite some time since their little tiff, and now Annabeth was starting to regret blowing up at her like she did. Granted, Annabeth had no intention of telling her the full story yet, but she needed to at least apologize. Annabeth guessed that Cynn was still in their room, given that she was still in no condition to do much other strenuous activities as far as Annabeth knew. Deciding to try to make peace with her roommate, Annabeth brought some snacks, souvenirs, and other treats for Cynn. It was unnerving with how many demons were around. She had heard that the demonmancy teacher had left to go gather more demons to guard the college, but she couldn't even throw a stone without hitting a demon (Hypothetically speaking). More so since they were so quiet and unmoving; she'd expect this sort of thing form golems, not demons. From her experience, demons were wild, free-spirited creatures who did whatever they wanted, up to and including causing a ruckus. Seeing them just standing around waiting made her worry that they were up to something. Still, the demonmancy teacher was pretty good at keeping them in line, and more than likely they're only here as a show of force against the two nations who had pretty much gathered their own armies outside of the college. Still unnerving. Annabeth walked up to her dorm room, opening it up and closing it with one swift movement. [b]"Cynn, I'm ba.... Ah? Where are you?"[/b] Annabeth noticed that the room was empty. Some of Cynn's things were scattered about, telling Annabeth that she was here. But no sign of the girl herself. Annabeth set down her things onto her desk and looked around the room, thinking that Cynn might have just been in the other rooms. [b]"Cynn? Are you here?"[/b] [b][center]Tyrael Marchrosias[/b][/center] Tyrael went on a bit more about the Naga and some on the Ravine, caught up in the moment as he pleasantly chatted with Khan. As the night winded down many of the guest began leaving, and indeed Tyrael himself was feeling a mite tired from the Inferno. He'd like time to rest up and get ready for the next day, as well as organizing all these demons to find his daughter and generally make use of them. When Khan left the table Tyrael got up shortly after before he was stopped by someone. It was Satori, who had slight disturbed look on her face. Tyrael couldn't really call Satori a friend, and her own reputation left much to be desired, but he supposed that he could try to lend a hand to his fellow teacher and ask her what was wrong. If she didn't already know that he was about to ask and spoke anyways. [b]"I have sensed a... Great disturbance. Many of these minds have shielded themselves suddenly, but even than I detect traces of... Evil. Pure evil. Tyrael, I need to ask you, where do your new demons come from? How long have you had them?"[/b] [b][center]Lucilia Riovas[/b][/center] After the meeting with the Eysire, Lucilia had little time to rest as more people showed up to speak to her, as well as herself searching for those she wanted to arrange things with. Despite some unpleasant business that at one point involved Lucilia having someone escorted out of the feast, it was a rather productive night. Hours ticked off as the crowd soon thinned out. If she had to guess, it was about two, maybe three hours before midnight. Many other vampires and creatures of the night will still be active, as would Lucilia. First she'd need to arrange quarters for Dirssi and her company. They'd have to move into the common house, but that aside Lucilia wasn't even going to touch on investigating Ssarak until she finalized the deals for the college, as well as reported to Khan about Xyden. It was than that Lucilia stopped in her track and rubbed her eyes. [b]"I forgot to inform Khan about the incident... I suppose I should go find him. Hopefully he's already been told and I can arrange a meeting with him about it..."[/b] Lucilia faintly remembered seeing him leave the dinning hall, but did not know which door he left from. But she figured that he'd be heading to his private chambers, so she headed in that direction hoping that their paths would cross each other. [b][center]Norschtalen[/b][/center] Norschtalen had to bide her time. Despite the fox's help, she couldn't get an audience with Khan as he was constantly busy, or otherwise unavailable. Even at the feast she couldn't approach as the other vampire Lucilia would have spotted her, and no doubt would have involved herself with Norschtalen's business between her and Khan. And Khan never left the table due to the demon teacher, forcing her to wait the entire feast for Khan to leave, which he only did to retire to his room. Not the best moment, but the only one she had. She followed the head master with two drinks which she wanted to share with him. As she approached, she called out to him. [b]"Headmaster! Oh headmaster, please wait a moment!"[/b] Norschtalen caught up with the demonmancer not too far away from where the feast was held.