[quote=Light] Those are the ranks they have in Fire Emblem Awakening.http://www.serenesforest.net/fe13/sword.htmlhttp://www.serenesforest.net/fe13/lance.htmlhttp://www.serenesforest.net/fe13/axe.htmletcYou also have to remember that this is PvP. In PvE it's ok to have those higher-tier weaponry by lower in skill rank (although this was changed in Fe13 despite no PvP). [/quote] Oh! Well, fair enough. I was just wary of you messing around with ranks in a system that has been balanced over the course of thirteen game developments; it might've unbalanced classes who traded stats for other weapon proficiencies, for instance. But if an actual FE game does it, then my worries are assuaged.