By the great mother the cafeteria was an exciting place to be this morning! Not that it was ever an overtly boring place, given the conflicting mess of personalities that gathered there for each meal, but today, well, Tiela was just finding the interactions between all of the big people very amusing. From her perch high up on the wall, Tiela scoffed her oversized chunk of meat as she merrily surveyed the comings and goings down below. She spied a centaur eating green food, if you could call it that. 'Blech!' Tiela thought, shaking her head profusely at the concept of munching on anything that didn't once have a pulse, eyeing the centaur with derision until her attention was drawn by the acrobatic antics of the catlike creature known as Sloan. Tiela seemed to take great delight in the viseage of what was, to her, an absolute mammoth flying through the air with the grace and agility of a true feline and cackled wildly from atop her highrise seat, holding her hands to her belly and rocking back, kicking her feet in the air in delight before clapping her hands together in barely audible applause. For several more minutes, she watched the interactions of all sorts, bird people, werewolves, centaurs and eventually took note of the fact that two of the people recognised as her cellmates were present in the cafeteria. To Tiela, cellmates was still a rather broad designation for someone to hold and had little importance to her, Axxx Drk was so incredibly massive to her that a cell was still the size of a football field and she felt no more kinship with the giants that shared the space than she did any other of the massive creatures that lumbered about the dark halls of the correctional facility. Still, they had not crushed her in her sleep, so that did count for something. As she sat there, chin resting on her knee as she mulled over the temperaments of her cellmates, her attention was suddenly drawn to the call of one of the food servers, hailing Rose the vampire over for her regular feed of blood. Tiela perked right up at the sight of the dark glass, knowing full well what it contained and, despite having just consumed about a third of her bodyweight in raw meat, suddenly became ravenously hungry again. Having a full belly, her urge to consume the blood was one of pure gluttony and did not trigger her predatory transformation. Indeed, with little need to hunt, it rarely was triggered in the prison and was more often reserved as a defense. Still, the extra nutrients of the blood would be of benefit and Tiela crouched upon the brick platform high above the tables of the cafeteria, eyes trained on Rose as she swallowed the red liquid contained in her glass. Slowly, silently Tiela crept over the precipice of the ledge and crawled like a spider down the worn stone wall. As soon as Rose was done, letting out her contented sigh and returning the glass to the server, Tiela pounced, fluttering like a butterfly on a mission she darted across the cafeteria, bobbing and weaving through the crowd before disappearing straight into the glass that Rose had just discarded. Within, Tiela gripped the sides of the glass with her arms and legs and lapped at the tiny droplets left within, taking in as much of the sweet nectar as she could. It tasted heavenly, the raw meat this morning had been bloody, but the thick droplets of liquid joy were rich, nutritious and delicious. "Oi! Get outta thar!" came the frustrated cry of a goblin server, likely the same one upon whose food Tiela had earlier danced. With a wicked smirk, Tiela flittered out of the glass, narrowly avoiding the teatowel that the goblin plunged into it before fluttering off to safety. As if on cue as Selwyn questioned Rose on her whereabouts, Tiela fluttered past, merrily licking the leftover blood from her forearms and paying little mind to much else. It may have been an inconsequential droplet to the big people, but to Tiela it was a full blown meal, her second of the morning.