[b]Cynn Ellime[/b] Soon after Leith had exited the room, Cynn heard footsteps approach the door again, but from the opposite direct that Leith had gone in. Soon after this observation, the door once again opened, and, much to the wood elf's relief, Annabeth stepped in. It was good to see a friendly... Well, was it a friendly face? That argument had gotten really heated, really fast, and she wasn't quite sure if the human's return was a peaceful one or not. And why should she get to talk to her now, even when she was in need? If she knew that Cynn had been stabbing the wall because of her and had stripped to next-to-nothing, she'd win! So, when Annabeth called for her, she didn't answer, and figured she'd find her soon enough if she kept looking. Soon after, the white-haired elf heard what seemed to be Leith's boots coming back the way they'd left, and she panicked. Of course, it was only a matter of time before Cynn got found out, but she'd hoped she would get a bit longer making Annabeth think about her actions. He entered the room with a massive gauntlet in his hand, and missed Annabeth's presence entirely. This was suddenly awkward, even by Cynn's standards, and she had to bite back a sigh of facepalminess to keep Annabeth from noticing her.