[b][center]Annabeth Gulch[/b][/center] Annabeth was just about to leave her dorm and look for Cynn when, just as she was about to reach for her door, it opened. Annabeth sidestepped and avoided getting hit by the opening door, only to have some stranger come in wearing a fairly evil looking gauntlet. He seemed to have not seen Annabeth, which was fine as it allowed her to draw her dagger within him noticing. How or why he was here, she didn't care for. He didn't even knock, coming in like he owned the place. She was poised to hit him in the back of the head with the hilt of her dagger when he knelt at the bed and started speak to something under it. He mentioned how it (The gauntlet) would help someone get unstuck. Annabeth assumed it was Cynn. The situation was just all sorts of confusing, but Annabeth decided that she'd just watch for now and see what would happen. She had her dagger hidden behind her back just in case, but otherwise said and did little as the stranger was seemingly going to help Cynn out of a weird situation.