[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/tKFjLAr.png[/img][/center] "Jasper, if you'd prefer you can ride with me." Serenade gave the nervous looking human a smile. "Still, it would tire out the Chocobos if they had two people on them at once." The black rabbit tried to sound reassuring. "They're gentle, these are the mounts given to those new to the infantry." One of the giant chickens inched towards the nervous girl and pressed it's fluffy head against her shoulder. "See, one of them likes you already." The guide chuckled then looked at both Avian and Victoria. "If you really need assistance though, that's what those two are for." She gave them a friendly nod before returning her attention towards Jasper. Harper was actually getting the hang of it. His chocobo trotted beside Hakuren's, sometimes 'kwehing' playfully at the older boy's own mount. The giant chickens looked very excited. "You're right Haku, this is much better than flying a miniship." He gave the older boy a small grin. "We don't have to worry about falling off and dying either." He tugged on the reins and the chocobo began walking in a speedy circle. The boy laughed before noticing Jasper's little predicament, he waved cheerfully, looking much happier than usual. "They're nice!" He yelled before returning his focus on Hakuren, Avian, and Vicky. He gave his mount a pat and noticed a name on its collar. "Parsley," Harper laughed before looking at Haku's mount with a smile. "What's your name?" He waited for Hakuren to answer then turned to both Avian and Vicky. "Did the dragons really use to be friendly?" Meanwhile, Serenade had stopped by Leila, Jasper, and Leon. The three of them hadn't gotten onto their mounts yet. "Chocobos assemble!" The guide called. Two more armored chickens rushed to the scene, bouncing in excitement. Both chickens walked up to the still standing humans and kwehed loudly as if begging for attention. The Chocobo who was already beside Jasper gave the girl a little push before ducking really low and waiting patiently. "See, they're trained. Now, let's get a move on everyone." Serenade looked tired but she mustered a smile and laughed. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ytkwQgc.png[/img][/center] [b]“Considering all the other weird things this place has to offer I wouldn't doubt it.”[/b] Her view of the sky was cut off and she found herself staring at Inadi and Pini. "Gah, you guys are blocking the view." The girl gave them both a grin but sprang up when the boy accepted her earlier invitation to race. Riley huffed, then turned to Ace with a devious looking grin. "I'm shaking in my boots," she joked before rolling her eyes at Inadi's comment. "No worries, pal, we don't plan to lose to you." The girl got to her feet and climbed onto her mount's back, she noticed the collar on its neck, the Chocobos name was Sunny. "Sunny, huh? Let's show these boys who's boss, okay!" The Chocobo flapped its wings eagerly and Riley laughed. "I'll take that as a yes!" The girl focused on the giant oak tree at the end of the field then turned to both Ace and Inadi. "That'll be the finished line!" The trio got into position and began counting down. Three. Two. One. The Chocobos ran and laughter echoed across the field. "Sunny! We can do this!" She tapped the bird's side with her foot and it picked up the pace, leaping and flapping it's wings as it launched itself forward.