"he needs to get to a hospital" Isaak told the others who had gathered around the boy. just then his father Feodor came over to where he was and motioned with his hand for the students to back away. "Step back, I will take him to the Leaky Cauldron where he will rest until he regains consciousness" his said as he picked up the boy, and then he vanished, taking the boy to the wizarding pub and inn. he told the staff what had happened and gotten a room for the unconscious boy. when he got to the room, Feodor placed the student on the bed and left to tell the staff to look after him. he then Apparated back to the scene of the explosion. "He is resting at the Leaky Cauldron and should be fine after a good rest" he told his son and the other two boys. Isaak was relieved at the news, his dad was a wizard with a good hear, which showed that not all Slytherins were uncaring. Isaak mother Anya had stayed with his brothers and sister to keep them from seeing any sort of violent injuries inflicted by the evil witch's explosion. Isaak could here his youngest brother Dimitri asking his mother, "why did dad disappear with that sleeping boy mummy?" "we'll tell you about it later dear" she told her son in a calm voice, but Isaak could see the worried look in her eyes. the idea of Bellatrix Lestrange being on the loose worried her deeply. when Voldemort was at power, their family was one of the pureblood families of Britain and not joining the Dark Lord would have had them labeled as blood traitors. they had kept their family away from joining the Death Eaters and went into hiding not wanting to join the Dark Lord or be called Blood traitors. but now that Bellatrix was at large, then the possibility of retribution for not joining Voldemort could pose a grave threat to Isaak's family.