A van carried a group of Earth Alliance soldiers to the base that the G-Project was kept. As it stopped at the entrance the driver showed his ID card to allow the vehicle in, the barriers removed for unrestricted entry. Soldiers in white and grey uniforms, each carrying a bag disembarked the transport they were in. There was a woman that looked like a representative of the Morgenroete waiting for them. “Welcome to ORB Captain Harper.” The representative spoke. A blond-bearded officer walked to reply. “It is an honour.” He returned. “How is the progress of the G-Project?” The representative took them to the chamber where the G-Project was kept. The younger officers were unable to see the Mobile Suits and had trouble imagining how the tide of the battle will finally turn to them. Donald hope that the Mobile Suits will be impressive enough to surpass what ZAFT has right now. “So the project is at its final stage?” Captain Harper asked the representative. The representative nodded. “Yes. This is why the pilots are required.” “I see.” The Captain said as he looked at the Mobile Suits. “Seeing the progress, headquarters JOSH-A will be happy.” They were now guided away from the G-Project to be taken to their temporary housing. As they were being taken to their barracks Donald noticed a group of three young women, presumably employees. One of girls, with blue hair and pink rimmed glasses noticed and returned a wave, making him blush. Harper noticed his vice-captain’s reaction and thought about how he should be trying to get a wife before turning thirty. As the other officers went to find their beds to claim and drop their baggage, Donald stayed outside to take a smoke first. He took out a cigarette case from a bag he carried, grabbed a cigarette and lit it with the OMNI-logo imprinted lighter. Getting out of the housing Captain Harper found Donald taking a smoke. “I saw that girl wave at you.” He noted. The vice-captain pretended to be apathetic. “Yes, but we have a mission sir.” He replied. The good Captain blew away some of the smoke. “You should think about marrying.” He advised. “JOSH-A will know that you need more money to support a family and gives you a better chance at promotions.” “I can only eat by fighting ZAFT sir.” Donald responded. “I don’t have anything else to do for a wife. Can’t sing, dance or make a corporate presentation.” The Captain laughed at the statement. “Trust me.” He asserted. “Get thee a wife, get thee a wife.” Quoting an old theatre.