[b] [u] Grey Onyx [/u] [/b] *THUD* [b]"Hugh! T-the hells your -Ach- problem? D-d-don't you, know -Urk- who I am?!"[/b] Grey was silent as he held the man against the wall, by his throat. The man struggled and kicked, though against even his old armor it would be pointless. This man wasn't exactly fit. He had been taking a moment to survey the dining hall, and he had noticed that this Djarken Noble had likely had a bit too much wine, and was making unwanted sexual advances on two students. He had simply walked up behind the drunken moron, and grabbed him by the throat. After pressing him to a wall, he turned to the two girls and said [b]"Worry not, This situation will be dealt with. Please run off and enjoy the rest of the evening."[/b] The two simply nodded and ran off at that point, leaving him to deal with, with [i]this.[/i] [b]"H-hello?! Do you have [i]any[/i] idea who you are- Hrk!"[/b] The noble had begun toangrily question him again, but Grey simply tightened his grip. He was very careful not to actually hurt him. The goal was to use fear to cow him into submission, not start a diplomatic incident. [b]"I do not care."[/b] He said in the most commanding voice he could muster. The noble tried to speak, but he tightened again to silence him. [b]"And I do not care if your status at your homeland allows you to get away with such. [i]This is not home.[/i]"[/b] He said, placing extra emphasis on the last part. [b]"As such, you abide by our laws. Break them, and I will return. And if I do, I will send you back to Sanguine in a [i]very[/i] small box. Understand?"[/b] The man was nearly in tears, and was nodding frantically. As it turns out, he was unused to large angry men putting their hands on his throat. At this point, Grey thought the bastard had had enough, and released him. [b]"Go."[/b] Grey said, although the man was already walking away as quickly as he could. With that business taken care of, he decided it was time to check on Lucilia once more, And was mildly concerned for a moment when she was nowhere to be found. Though she was by no means defenseless, it was his job to watch her at the moment. He noticed that she was leaving for whatever reason, and moved to follow. Besides, his gut had been telling him terrible things were going to happen all day, and misfortune tended to come in waves. [b]"Mi'lady! Hold!"[/b] He said as he got relatively close. [b]"If you're leaving, allow me to accompany you."[/b]