[img]http://i.imgur.com/weQcz7P.png[/img]  [I]”We certainly aced the first test.”[/I] Ace giggled at the play on words and nodded. She had been too busy talking with Riley to hear Inadi's potentially ride comment. But in hindsight, Ace wouldn't have minded it regardless. Back to Riley; the girl accepted her challenge and before she knew it, she took off. "Hey! No fair!" She laughed, and held tighter to the reins of her bird. As she prepared to take off after her, Riley had flipped off into a bed of flowers only causing Ace to laugh harder. She walked her bird over to her and smirked. "At this rate, you'll lose for sure." She looked over at Inadi and his Chocobo, both seeming to taunt them into racing. The duo were practically perfect for each other. Ace's cheeks puffed and her Chocobo ruffled its feathers, making one of those kwehing sounds. It seemed the two were both on the same page with the challenge. "You hear that Fluff? Those two think they'll actually win. Heh, want to race them?" Ace earned a chirp in response and she laughed lightly. "A bet you want? Let's see..." In her many years of betting and gambling, there wasn't much she could think of. "Anyone want to bet something? Even though it won't matter because me and Fluff here will run circles around you two." The Chocobo quickly adopted its new nickname and chirped in agreement, feeding off of Ace's energy. As excited she was getting, her bird was agreeing to it too. In the midst of her excitement, she caught on to the chickens having name tags. Ace looked at hers. "Dipper? Heh, nice to meet you fluffball, I'm Ace." She looked up as Riley spoke and then grinned. "Alright. You heard her Fluff, the finish line is there. Set your sights and go as fast as you can!" And when the countdown was over, before Ace could even tell Dipper to go, the bird took off. She held tight, already experiencing falling off the ride, and not wanting that to happen again. "Come on! We can do it!" The determined bird pushed itself faster, flapping every now and then. Ace continued to cheer as her bird pushed forward.