[b]Cynn Ellime[/b] That sigh that Cynn had tried so hard to conceal managed to escape her oral prison and run out into the open. Looking up at Annabeth, she smiled a weak smile and waved awkwardly, her movements limited by the massive block of wood above her. "Hi...Annabeth," the elf murmured shyly. "Would...um...you mind...helping L-Leith here? He's...not going to hurt me or anything." She added the last part having noticed the girl's hand on her knife, and did so in a tone that implied, "Back off, he's cool." Cynn tried not to think anything rude, because she knew Annabeth might hear it, but some things still slipped in. Still, she figured it was good to let bygones be bygones, and that any help was good help. [i]Alright, when this is over,[/i] she thought. [i]I'm going to get a lighter bed frame[/i] As Leith walked over and attempted to lift the bed, she hoped Annabeth would, in fact, help, as it would be a good point of conversation later on.