[center][img=http://i.imgur.com/WlkFdCg.png][/center] “Well, they’re gone. Can we rest now?” Songbird muttered and tried to push himself off of the pillar. However, he decided to be lazy for a few minutes more and slid down instead, slumped against the stone like a limp noodle. “I’m so beat. Not as beat as the dead nobodies though,” He joked sarcastically then sighed. Bad day for Thugbird. ------- “Vicky, could you look after them? I have to run after the other humans,” Rider gestured at the various people shooting off on a race and then got on his mount; Ellianne’s speed made it so that he was near the middle part of the group before long. Victoria turned back only to see three humans still hesitating to ride their mounts. She sighed, rolled her eyes, and then got down from her saddle. “Aight kids, what’s the problem here?” She walked over, hands on her hips, with a none-too-pleased expression on her face. Five minutes later they were strapped in and ready to go, and their group easily catched up to Avian who hung back on the rear of the racers. “How’d you convince them to get on the chocobos?” Avian murmured as he rechecked the Ghysal greens container that was hanging down from Ellianne’s left side. So far all of these were enough for everyone. “Trust me hun, you wouldn’t want to know,” His wife replied and smiled. After watching the humans race against each other some more, Victoria turned towards her husband. “Do you want to race me?” She smirked and Illumine’s fluffy white ears perked up. Avian smiled, then tilted his head to the side. “Okay, what’s the catch?” He finally asked, an amused smile on his face as Ellianne snorted. The redhead leaned over and whispered something in his ear, before laughing and then urging Illumine to run forward. “H-He- Wait! That’s not up for a bet!” The young man yelled after her and Ellianne pushed against the ground, instantly chasing after the white tiger and the bounty huntress. They even passed the humans. “Come back here! Victoria! That’s not funny!” Avian hollered, pale as a piece of chalk as the tiger bounded away.